Next, lift off the pattern and connect the dots with a Lay the patten over a its corresponding fabric piece then wiggle the tip The easiest way to transfer the markings is to punch holes in the pattern at each Leave one side piece and one back piece unmarked. Goes well the marked area will be covered up anyway. Pen will work but it wont show up in photographs so I am going to use an ink pen if all With coated nylon this is easier said than done. You will need to transfer all the lines and marking on each patten piece to itsĬorresponding fabric piece. The appropriate number of each piece from your nylon fabric.You will need two Need to refer to FIG 2-1 to see what each piece is. I didn't label the pieces on the pattern so you will Open and print a PDF version of the pattern here. Straight-stitch sewing machine (with zipper foot)

I did end up making a few changes that are not really that apparent. Possible by comparing about a dozen in game screen shots to game items with dimensions I tried to make it as dimensionally accurate as It is a health pack the survivors carry in I made this as part of my wife's Halloween costume. Estimated Cost: ~$20-$25 Estimated completion time: 5-6 hours Difficulty: Easy Introduction